Our Multi-Tiered Approach to Military & Endurance Fitness
Our Multi-Tiered Approach to Military & Endurance Fitness
Through our 3-TIERED APPROACH, our fitness programs take you from the BEGINNING of your MILITARY & ENDURANCE FITNESS JOURNEY, all the way to the TOP OF THE MOUNTAIN!
At one point or another, EVERYONE HAD TO START AS A BEGINNER! With this in mind, we have developed, with our extensive experience in the military and our master’s level education in Sport Science and Sports Psychology, training programs for ALL LEVELS OF FITNESS!
WHY START WITH US? Because WE HAVE THE TOOLS to help you meet your MILITARY & ENDURANCE FITNESS GOALS! Do you have what it takes? WE KNOW THAT YOU DO! Become a part of the HONEY BADGER COMMUNITY!
A Running & Strength Training Program for those who want to JOIN THE MILITARY or just want to be in GREAT SHAPE! This program is the FIRST STEP in your MILITARY & ENDURANCE FITNESS journey! YOU CAN DO THIS!!!
We TAKE IT UP A NOTCH with this program and add TERRAIN to the mix! Not only will you be doing MORE Running, Swimming & Strength Training! You’ll also be HITTING THE HILLS with a RUCK SACK!